Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Longer Sick of Uniform Changes?

According to an article in The Seahawk, the newspaper at U.S. Fleet Activities, Yokosuka in 1984, the fifth Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Sanders told a group of Sailors that the CNO had made it a major priority to work for uniform stability. "The CNO has been around the Navy for a long time and is just as sick of all the uniform changes as you are," said MCPON Billy Sanders.

Everyone in the Navy must own the new NWU, they just can't wear it - in the Pentagon, off-base, in the combat zone, after normal duty hours, while riding public transportation, while exiting their cars, etc, etc. Edward Ziegler, a spokesman for Naval District Washington said, "It's just a matter of common sense."

I believe the Navy doesn't think Sailors have any (common sense).


  1. So what is the answer, Capt? Get rid of it, or make it wearable everywhere (like the Army uni)? Also the pattern is not suitable for desert use, so IA/GSA sailors have to use something else. If common sense is needed, it ain't on the user's side.

    On the flip side, the new "khaki" enlisted uniform is here (Hawaii)and I think it makes our sailors look like military professionals. I have no problem telling the chiefs from the petty officers. Good riddance to the prison uniform.

  2. I don't question the common sense of sailors. I do question the common sense of a uniform designer that would come up with a uniform that made a man overboard harder to see in the water. It seems to me that the one place you really would want to ban this uniform is aboard ship.
