Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sailors Matter Most

Sailors are the most important assets of a Division Officer. They are the one common denominator in all naval activities. Machinery can be repaired, and compartments repainted with routine ease, but tired, disheartened or demoralized Sailors cannot be restored to fresh energy and spirit without the employment of much time and skill.

To realize this latent energy takes wisdom and skill in human relations, but the rewards can be immeasurable. Sailors will perform more efficiently and will make more sacrifices for a leader they respect and trust, than for one who merely drives them along with the force of his impersonal and delegated authority. The measure of success of a leader with Sailors is a measure of success in his profession.

1 comment:

  1. Captain Lambert,

    The content of this post is right on line with my thinking. But the graphic of Sailors learning/observing loading is not proper, the loader should be on the opposite side of the
    breech door.

    Very Respectfully,
