Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Strategy for Our People - Deficiency & Recommendation

DEFICIENCY: The Navy MPT&E roadmaps (click here for the Information Warfare Community Strategy for Our People) — containing implementation action plans, discrete tasks required to achieve the Strategic vision, and metrics, accountability methods, and timelines for completion are yet to be finished. Thus the implementation of the Navy's Human Capital Strategy (HCS) effort remains unfinished.

FINDING: Completing, communicating, and implementing a comprehensive human capital strategy will be essential to achieving the Navy and Marine Corps transformation goals.

RECOMMENDATION: The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) should take ownership of their services’ human capital strategy (HCS) and direct its prompt completion. Beyond that, the CNO should institute a process to review and update their HCS in light of changes in the strategic environment, future plans, and evolving experience with existing human resource policies. The completion of the services’ HCS should be done with the following criteria in mind:

1. Aligned. The HCS should be linked clearly to the services’ goals and missions, identifying the highest-priority “key success factors” required of personnel for organizational success.

2. Internalized. The HCS must be communicated to and broadly understood at all levels, in ways that clarify to individuals in each subunit how their efforts affect overall success.

3. Routinized. The HCS should routinely inform decisions, trade-offs, and resource allocations and should be embedded in everyday operating procedures (e.g., planning and budgeting, personnel reviews, external reporting).

4. Coherent. The HCS should promote coherence and synergies in human resource administration across specific domains (e.g., recruitment, compensation, training, and development). It should sustain a human resources “brand” that makes clear to current and prospective sailors and marines what is expected of them and what they in turn can expect of the organization.

5. Measurable. The HCS should describe desired outcomes that can be and are assessed with metrics.

6. Adaptable. The HCS should be dynamic, undergoing routine reassessment and adjustment in light of learning and of changing organizational and environmental contingencies.

7. Consequential. Supporting the HCS should represent (and must be perceived to represent) a significant element in the formal assessment and evaluation of leaders.

The committee recommends: an assessment of current proposed human resource strategies against this list of criteria and creation of a template simple enough in form and content that it can be used to articulate the key success factors and human resource strategy to diverse audiences at all levels of the naval services.

Manpower and Personnel Needs for a Transformed Naval Force
Committee on Manpower and Personnel Needs for a Transformed Naval Force, National Research Council
Copyright 2008

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