Saturday, June 15, 2013

This has been my philosophy for some time as a Naval officer

"The standard you walk past is the standard you accept."


  1. And it is one that I am unalterably opposed to. Festering gobs of spit wearing uniforms with stars on them put General Order No. ONE in effect with precisely this putrid reasoning. You see some really really stupid things under the noon day sun where the idiot moron in command decides that there will be no drinking on base. Even in your own home. There will be no man/woman sexual relations even between husband and wife. Etc.
    As with Nelson, a real leader knows when to turn a blind eye and when to not issue a stupid order he knows will not be obeyed.

  2. Setting GE #1 aside; the two statements are NOT mutually exclusive.

    a) The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

    b) "A real leader knows when to turn a blind eye and when to not issue a stupid order he knows will not be obeyed."

    In fact it's a very important lesson for juniors to understand and assimilate when and where the 'standard' is acceptable to turn a blind eye.

  3. Well you're right. There is also the more accepted practice of walking right on by and then bringing it to the attention of the LPO or Chief to correct. I never once had a CO order anybody that worked for me take action to correct something he didn't like. They all found me first and told me to fix it. :)
