Friday, May 11, 2012

Another one - from the archives

The fabulous cartoonist Jeff Bacon of BROADSIDE fame has many fans around the world.  None more devoted than I am to his fine work and great humor.  I proudly possess two cartoons that he drew for me personally.  One is "When Cryptos Shop For Homes" and this one he drew for me to present to CTICS Rick Crim at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California.  Senior Chief Crim had a reputation for laying waste to Navy students at DLI.  I am told that more than one student passed out during his infamous 'Come to Jesus' counseling sessions. I believe it.


  1. Friend of Bill W'sMay 11, 2012 at 4:51 PM

    Rick's hair is too long!

  2. Can you post the second one too? Thanks.

  3. Oh yeah, I have no doubt Rick made a few grown men cry. He sure had a way about him. He was a fantastic leader for so many reasons...not many like him around anymore.
