Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A note to my Sailors from 21 years ago

The things that I discuss with each Sailor who reports aboard the command are very straight-forward.  We've done all we can to eliminate guessing from the success equation.  The leaders in this command are here to direct the accomplishment of the command's mission. People (our Sailors and their families) are a priority - that hasn't changed; but we have to accomplish the mission.  We will do all we can as leaders of this activity to ensure that every Sailor has an equal opportunity to succeed in his/her naval career.  We recognize that, for some, a career will only be a single enlistment and for others 20-30 years.  In either case, you've got to make the most of it.  Come to work on time, do your job correctly, do an honest day's work, treat your Shipmates with dignity and respect, add value to the things you do, pay your bills on time, be faithful to your spouse and family, and live the Navy's Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment.  Do all that and I can virtually guarantee you will be a success - in the Navy and in life.  Anything less is unacceptable.  R/CO

1 comment:

  1. Well said. A year ago I decided I wanted to become an officer in the Navy Reserve and for the past year as wait to hopefully be selected one day, I have been living the principles of the navy core values. I am not quite the same person I was a year ago for the better.
