Monday, September 29, 2014

A bit of self promotion, if I may

This is a bit of self promotion but it is really more of a call for my writer friends to put their work out there in the public domain for consumption - free and otherwise.

Today, I received my first royalty check from Amazon Digital Services for my short piece about VADM James Bond Stockdale Inspirational Leadership Award Winners HERE.  It is not a large check, but it is a significant return for the time and effort I invested.  I tried to get United States Naval Institute PROCEEDINGS to publish it several years ago. It was the first thing that I sent them that they rejected.  My 5 previous articles were purchased and published - one after another.  This is a bit of redemption for me with this piece.  If PROCEEDINGS had published it, I would have lost money and the experience of self-publishing on Kindle.


  1. Isn't a blog, by definition, endless self-promotion?

  2. Congratulations, Mike! We appreciate you putting yourself out there.

    Anonymous 3:41 - A blog is an attempt to contribute to the conversation, document the journey, share ideas, and maybe even create a community of interest. I believe Mike is succeeding by each measure. Thanks Mike!

  3. Good for you. Please keep it up!! As an aside, my second NWC tour was during the Admiral's tenure as President. Truly impressive officer and man.
