Sunday, May 4, 2014

Navy Turns Online Game To Attract Cryptologic Technicians

Because the job itself is cloaked in secrecy, information about the Cryptologic Technician rate can be hard for the general public to find.

If you conduct and internet search on Navy intelligence you won't find anything about cryptology but rather about our intelligence specialist," said Chief Cryptologic Technician (Interperative) Steven Barbee, NRC enlisted information dominance corps branch lead. "Many recruiters do not know anything themselves about the CT ratings or the jobs associated with these ratings. Barbee explained that although the type of work may appear to be like a James Bond movie, he added, "nope, we are Sailors just like all of our shipmates; no laser watches or shoe guns or cool cars are issued to us!

Navy Cryptologists are charged with analyzing encrypted communications, deciphering foreign languages, jamming the radars of enemies, and maintaining the equipment and networks necessary for top-secret intel.

You can "like" cryptology and technology on FaceBook HERE.

Check out Project Architeuthis HERE.

1 comment:

  1. When you join the Navy and become a CT, not only will you be able to do a job you love while serving your country, you become part of a unique community – the Information Dominance Corps. This group of talented and bright individuals is setting the standard and paving the way as technology rapidly evolves. CTs and our IDC teammates are warfighters who serve across the Navy and on its many platforms – ships, submarines, planes – and on land as well as in cyberspace.
