Wednesday, February 13, 2013

RADM Leigher is helping to write our history

You can follow RADM Bill Leigher on Twitter @billleigher

His article is HERE or HERE.  Be sure to read it.


  1. I have not read it but don't believe there is any shame in not reading everything that an admiral writes. If he sent it to me to read, I would have read it. Proceedings is not an official publication. Most of it is a waste.

  2. The BIG question is - did he write you back?

    Probably not, right?

  3. @ 644X LDO

    To be honest, no, he did not respond.

  4. Wow, your handwriting is really good.

  5. Sorry to say it, but your letter sounds pretty pandering (read kiss a**) to me... kind of a weakly veiled attempt to draw attention to yourself. If I were you, I'd be kind of embarrassed to post it to tell you the truth. I'm not surprised it wasn't answered.

  6. Anon @ 4:26

    Your words might carry more weight if you had the courage to add your name to them and own them.

    RADM Leigher and I have corresponded on a number of topics and this happens to be a letter I did not get a response to.

  7. Unfortunately, anon speaks truth. You can choose to remove ability to post anon but you eliminate a valuable input source. Sometimes rudeness is the only way to express a thought that you wish to communicate. In this case, was it necessary. No. Will you look at what you write a bit differently. Yes. --- Value case made. No?

  8. @ Anon 7:07 AM

    I really haven't seen anything posted here that someone couldn't own. So, I don't think you've made the case.
