Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Noble Opportunity

MULTIPLIERS won as a finalist in the Leadership category for the Best Business Books of the Year Award by 800-CEO-Read!


  1. Ahh, appeal to their greater nobility. That's it!

  2. I spoke with Liz and was introduced to her book MULTIPLIERS at the Information Dominance Senior Leader Seminar in March. I couldn't put it down on the plane ride home. I highly recommend it for all especially those aspiring to or actually occupying significant leadership positions.

    A word of caution, this book may be unsettling if you are honest with yourself. Read it with an open mind and allow it to help you reflect on what kind of leader you have been. Should you find like many of us, that you are an accidental Diminisher, follow its rather simple and insightful steps toward becoming a Multiplier and unleashing the genius in others. Many of its tenants are universally applicable even to our highly hierarchical, leader-centric organization.

    Glad to see this post highlight this seminal work to members of our community.
