Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Noise versus difference

Given a choice, I prefer making a difference to making noise. Time for some of you to stop talking (noise making) and to start making a difference.

Get busy. People are waiting.


  1. Justin Rogers ENS, USN (1170)January 11, 2012 at 6:44 AM

    It's a blog. Blogs are noise makers.

  2. Fortunately, Ensign, this blog is a difference maker - quietly.

  3. We commenters are the noise.

  4. We commenters are the noise.

  5. Signal-to-noise ratio is sometimes used informally to refer to the ratio of useful information to false or irrelevant data in a conversation or exchange.

    Being a crypie I just had to throw this out there!

  6. Captain Lambert,

    A good post, but unfortunately there are many of us who are unable to distinguish between making a difference and making noise. I have to include myself in that group because I am no different in many ways than the average self absorbed individual. But I would like to think that for the last 20 years of a naval career I kept my Shipmates best interest in mind. I still correspond with a number of those Shipmates even though it has been more than 32 years since I retired from the Navy. After all this time a number of these good folks often remind me that I made a difference in their lives, what else could an old Sailor ask for?

    Very Respectfully,

  7. 1170 ENS - Getting qualified is the difference. Noise is posting on blogs instead of getting qualified.

  8. Justin Rogers ENS, USN (1170)January 15, 2012 at 9:45 AM

    It's all about balance...
